CQ doen't compile JSP after we modify in CRX.
We have experienced similiar issues when deploying code with packages. We solved the caching issue by doing the following:
1. Deleted /var/classes and /var/clientlibs
2. Restart scripting bundles in felix
- Open up <server>/system/console - on a publish instance you'll need to log in as admin
- Filter bundles by "scripting". There should be 7 bundles that match the filter:
- Apache Sling JSP Tag Library (
- Apache Sling Scripting Core implementation (
- Apache Sling Scripting Implementation API (
- Apache Sling Scripting Java Support (
- Apache Sling Scripting JavaScript Support (
- Apache Sling Scripting JSP Support (
- Apache Sling Scripting JST Support (
- Restarting all 7 probably isn't neccessary, but it doesn't hurt. 4, 5, 6 are the key bundles to restart.
Next time you load a page, JSP for components on the page will be recompiled and clientlibs will be rebuild.
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