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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2015

[COMPILE] CQ doen't compile JSP after we modify in CRX / compiled jsp files

Problem: CQ doen't compile JSP after we modify in CRX. Solution: We have experienced similiar issues when deploying code with packages. We solved the caching issue by doing the following: 1. Deleted /var/classes and /var/clientlibs 2. Restart scripting bundles in felix      - Open up <server>/system/console - on a publish instance you'll need to log in as admin      - Filter bundles by "scripting". There should be 7 bundles that match the filter: Apache Sling JSP Tag Library ( Apache Sling Scripting Core implementation ( Apache Sling Scripting Implementation API ( Apache Sling Scripting Java Support ( Apache Sling Scripting JavaScript Support ( Apache Sling Scripting JSP Support ( Apache Sling Scriptin...

[MAVEN] Using Maven to Create and Install CQ5 Package

Creating components using CRXDE and CRXDE Lite can be frustrating. Both are buggy and are different environments than what you are use to working with. You can use Maven to create a package that it can then install the package in CQ5. If you have ever extracted a package then you’ll see that there are two folders within it, jcr_root and META-INF. Both of these files are important and they determine how the Maven project should be setup. META-INF holds the filters (paths) that the package contains. jcr_root has all of your files for components, templates, etc. I typically put these files in src/main/content in the Maven project so my code will have that path. First thing you need to do is in pom.xml under <build> add the following code so that it knows to include your files in the bundle. This also excludes any file vault (VLT) files. <resources>    <!-- filter meta information to get some properties into the files -->    <re...