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How to change Admin password in CQ5.5 & 5.6

Use case Change admin password 

Good news Till now you have to change admin password at multiple location if you are using CQ5.4, seehere 

From CQ5.5 onward you just have to change admin password once. There are multiple ways though,

1) Using CRX explorer (Old way)

2) Using granite http://host:port/libs/granite/security/content/admin.html#edit:/home/users/a/admin

3) using curl command

curl -u admin:OLD_PWD -F rep:password="NEW_PWD" http://host:port/home/users/a/

You can also use security API for do user related task, Something like this

curl -d "createUser=true&authorizableId=$userId&rep:password=pw&membership=administrators" -u "admin:admin" http://host:port/libs/granite/security/post/authorizables

(There is set of operation you can do using this, JAVA DOC coming soon)

For any other user other than admin you can use CURL to change password as

curl rep:password="test" --user admin:ADMIN_PASSWORD http://host:port/home/users/a/

CQ 5.6





Apache Felix OSGi Management Console

Note For all cases you need current admin password to perform operation. As always please test it before use.

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