I am getting problem with Dialog. In my Dialog I have created the image field which accepts image from dam by Drag and drop. Whil Iam dropping the image it is showing up inside the Dialog properly and is showing up on the screen also But when I try to edit the image the current image got vanished inside the dialog. I don't understand why it is happening? Here is the example of configuration of an image on the tab of dialog. <backImage jcr:primaryType="cq:Widget" cropParameter="./backImage/imageCrop" ddGroups="[media]" fileNameParameter="./backImage/fileName" fileReferenceParameter="./backImage/fileReference" mapParameter="./backImage/imageMap" name="./backImage/file" requestSuffix="/backImage.img.png" rotateParameter="./backImage/imageRotate" sizeLimit="100" title="Background Image" xtype="html5smartimage"/> You ...