Issue: When we see the error "org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.segment.SegmentNotFoundException: Segment 6e0a804f-0d75-48a8-a579-ebf34e58e763 not found" one day, and you can not open any pages, or can access neither crx nor console. Solution: We can use oak runnable to check and restore the last good revision into Oak's working directory. Tool: Oak-run Tool ( ) Check more from Step to restore Oak's working directory: 1. Backup all files in ./crx-quickstart/repository/segmentstore/ . 2. Run the consistency check java -jar oak-run-*.jar check -d1 --bin=-1 -p crx-quickstart/repository/segmentstore/ It will search backwards through the revisions until it finds a consistent one: 18:01:51.336 [main] INFO o.a.j.o.p.s.f.t.ConsistencyChecker - Found latest good revision ca9c71ae-1941-4a2d-aaed-c444db7a4c6d:260120 3. Rev...