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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2015

[WCM] AEM CQ 561 - Add a button to Sidekick Bottom Toolbar

Problem Add a button for viewing the page in wcmmode disabled . Here, on clicking the button added to sidekick bottom toolbar (beside Edit button), allows the user to view page in wcm disabled mode. Solution 1) Login to CRXDE Lite (http://localhost:4502/crx/de) and create folder /apps/sidekick-button-wcmmode-disabled 2) Create node /apps/sidekick-button-wcmmode-disabled/clientlib of type cq:ClientLibraryFolder and add a String property categories with value cq.widgets 3) We need a button icon, so create file ( nt:file ) /apps/sidekick-button-wcmmode-disabled/clientlib/css.txt and add #base=source wcmmode-disabled.css 4) Add the following code in /apps/sidekick-button-wcmmode-disabled/clientlib/wcmmode-disabled.css #CQ .cq-sidekick .x-window-bbar .cq-sidekick-wcmmode-disabled {    background-image:url(wcmmode-disabled.png); } 5) Download below image and named wcmmode-disabled.png and commit to /apps/sidekick-button-wcmmode-disabled/...

[PERFORMANCE] Adobe WEM/CQ performance tuning

Adobe WEM/CQ performance tuning Contents Caching-related configurations CRX Bundle cache CRX Search index handler (Lucene) cache Tar PM index cache Scalability Maintenance Optimizing Tar Files (for Tar Persistence Manager) Data Store Garbage Collection Main documentation you should consult first: Caching-related configurations CRX Bundle cache CRX caches bundles, consisting of a node with all its properties. This is used by all bundle-based Persistence Managers. The default size of BundleCache is 8 MB. If this is too small it can cause an excessive number of read-accesses to the underlying persistence layer. Set the bundleCacheSize to something larger than the default. See more here: CRX Search index handler (Lucene...

[COMPONENT] Maintaining Visibility of CQ Editables (Overwrite Editbar)

Maintaining Visibility of CQ Editables Content elements such as multi-tab content controls and collapsible content sections are prevalent on modern websites.  In an Adobe CQ5 authoring environment, a common business requirement is to allow the authoring of such elements in place.  Such requirements necessitate the elements of the CQ authoring environment (edit bars, drop areas for paragraph systems, etc) to be hidden and shown as the content which they represent is hidden and shown. In building a CQ component which requires the hiding and showing of authorable content (such as the multi-tab content control component seen in figures 1 and 2) you may notice the editables associated with the content being hidden / shown do not follow the content's lead in terms of visibility.  While your experience may be slightly different the result of hiding authorable content typically is all editables associated with the content jumping to position 0, 0 since they no longer have a...