Problem Add a button for viewing the page in wcmmode disabled . Here, on clicking the button added to sidekick bottom toolbar (beside Edit button), allows the user to view page in wcm disabled mode. Solution 1) Login to CRXDE Lite (http://localhost:4502/crx/de) and create folder /apps/sidekick-button-wcmmode-disabled 2) Create node /apps/sidekick-button-wcmmode-disabled/clientlib of type cq:ClientLibraryFolder and add a String property categories with value cq.widgets 3) We need a button icon, so create file ( nt:file ) /apps/sidekick-button-wcmmode-disabled/clientlib/css.txt and add #base=source wcmmode-disabled.css 4) Add the following code in /apps/sidekick-button-wcmmode-disabled/clientlib/wcmmode-disabled.css #CQ .cq-sidekick .x-window-bbar .cq-sidekick-wcmmode-disabled { background-image:url(wcmmode-disabled.png); } 5) Download below image and named wcmmode-disabled.png and commit to /apps/sidekick-button-wcmmode-disabled/...