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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2015

[DIALOG] Hide/Show panel with tabpanel

How to hide/show a tab on a dialog base on an event of item? Resolution: In the sample code, we add a listener to listen ‘change’ event for checkbox. <listeners jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" selectionchanged="function(comp, val, isChecked) {    var dialog = comp.findParentByType('dialog');    var tabpanel = dialog.findByType('tabpanel’);    if (isChecked) {     tabpanel.hideTabStripItem(1);//Hide tab at 2nd position    } else {     tabpanel.unhideTabStripItem(1)             }        } " />

[CONFIGURATION] Configures the Resource Resolver for request URL and resource path rewriting

Issue: Remove context part of URL, such as "/content".

[CONFIGURATION] Configure the dispatcher for CQ

Go to Download the dispatcher corresponding to apache2 version. Here we downloaded file dispatcher-apache2.4-linux-x86-64-4.1.8.tar.gz for ubuntu 14.04 64bit. After download finish, we extract this file. Install apache2 (Ubuntu): sudo apt-get install apache2 Copy file into /usr/lib/apache2/modules (need sudo) Copy file dispatcher.any into /etc/apache2/conf, and modify the render to: /renders      {      /rend01        {        # Hostname or IP of the render        /hostname " localhost "        # Port of the render        /port " 4502 "        # Conne...

[CQ/AEM] Introduction

CQ Introduction Introduction Day’s CQ5 platform allows you to build compelling content-centric applications that combine Web Content Management , Workflow Management , Digital Asset Management and Social Collaboration. The product has been completely redesigned from Communiqué 4, allowing Day to use new architecture and technologies, thus increasing functionality while reducing complexity. Extensive use of standards helps ensure long-term stability The Graphical User Interface has been completely re-engineered using AJAX and the latest browser technologies. This leads to an unparalleled user experience. With the help of the Apache Sling framework (a core part of the CQ5 platform) it becomes fast and efficient to develop content-enabled vertical applications (CEVA) that are both JCR-based and REST-style. All these changes ensure that CQ: is easily scalable is highly reliable makes it easier to reuse, or extend, elements is faster allows for rapid development ...